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Friday, July 10, 2015

'There's No Excuse': Megyn Takes on Obama's Silence After Kate Steinle's Murder

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Today's Top Stories

July 10, 2015

Megyn Kelly: 'There's No Excuse' for Obama's Silence on Kate Steinle's Murder

FBI: Background Check Error Allowed Dylann Roof to Buy Gun

Wounded Vet: I'm Being Evicted Because of My Service Dog

Watch a Soldier Shock His Mom When He Photobombs the Family Photo

Ariana Apologizes Again: I'm 'Disgusted' With My Actions at Donut Shop

3 Kids Sent to Juvenile Detention for Refusing to See Their Dad?!

Guitarist Arrested for 'Breach of Peace' After Playing Nat'l Anthem

O'Reilly to Kate Steinle's Family: 'America Let You Down'

Trump: Mexico Sends Us Their Criminals Instead of Jailing Them

WATCH: Geraldo, Coulter Battle on Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants

Huckabee: Let's Reverse Immigration Exec Order, Stop Funding 'Sanctuary Cities'

'Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye': Crowd Sings After Confederate Flag Comes Down

Parents of Young Men Killed by Illegal Immigrants: 'Abhorrent' Deaths Were Preventable

See How a Beauty Queen Is Changing Lives With Socks

TUNE IN: 'Bob Massi is the Property Man' Debuts Saturday at 12p ET

What's On


Don't miss The O'Reilly Factor's "Most Compelling" special with Barbara Walters, Gary Sinise and more.


It was the killing that sparked citywide riots. Before the trial begins, Megyn investigates the evidence. Get new revelations and the fate of the "Baltimore Six" in a Kelly File special.


Rick Santorum's on a mission. The 2016 hopeful lays out his vision and plan to win the Republican Party's vote! Don't miss the special sit-down on Hannity.

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