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Showing posts with label cover ups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cover ups. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Pluto no Longer considered a Dwarf Planet

Recently Declassified documents from the International Space Agency have revealed that the reclassification of the Planet Pluto to the Status of being only a Dwarf Planet was indeed a Mistake.
After a Class Action Lawsuit brought forth by Reverend Jesse Jackson and the #NAACP alleging "Extreme Planetary Prejudice and Racism"
a Super Secret Secret Investigation was launched onto the matter.
An undercover Super Secret Secret Investigator was sent to the International Space Station seeking answers. What follows is the Statement as Reported by that Super Secret Secret Investigator:
"After arriving aboard The I.S.S., I casually broached the subject of Pluto's reclassification to the Crew Members aboard. I was greeted with laughter from the crew, and was told that the whole ordeal was Astronaut Vladimir Schelatov's Fault. When performing routine maintenance on the Hubble Space Telescope Mr. Schelatov charged with Cleaning one of the Lens apparently Lost a Contact which landed on the Hubble Telescope's Lens that was being cleaned thus Changing the Refractive nature of the Lens from that of Magnification to the exact opposite."
Not wanting to disclose his situation to the other crew members at the time Mr. Schelatov reassembled the Hubble, and the very next Mission assigned was that of Photographing Pluto, which when viewed by Space Command and Analysts led them erroneously to believe Pluto was indeed greatly Smaller than Previous Assumptions.
Sources declare that Attorney Robert Shapiro will now be Head Council in a New Class Action Lawsuit against Bosch and Lomb the manufacturer of Astronaut Vladimir Schelatov's Contact Lens.
When questioned Mr. Shapiro responded, "I will Prevail!"
"Pluto has always been my Favorite Planet and Someone at Bosch and Lomb Must Pay!"

Original Story may be viewed at The Truth About Pluto