Johan Endre of Daytona Beach Florida Sexual Predator or Not?
Trying to find out the Background on Johan Endre of Daytona Beach Florida?
Trying to find out the Background on Johan Endre of Daytona Beach Florida?
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Johan Endre Mugshot Sexual Predator |
- Who must register as a sexual offender?
- A sexual offender is an individual who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- He or she has been convicted of a qualifying sexual offense in Florida or another jurisdiction. Qualifying Adult Convictions include:
- Sexual misconduct prohibited (F.S. 393.135(2)).
- Sexual misconduct prohibited (F.S. 394.4593(2)).
- Kidnapping (F.S. 787.01), where the victim is a minor.
- False imprisonment (F.S. 787.02), where the victim is a minor.
- Luring or enticing a child (F.S. 787.025(2)(c)), where the victim is a minor.
- Human Trafficking (F.S. 787.06(3)(b), (d), (f), or (g) and former 787.06(h)).
- Sexual battery (F.S. 794.011), excluding subsection 10.
- Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors (F.S. 794.05).
- Procuring a person under the age of 18 for prostitution (former F.S. 796.03).
- Selling or buying of minors into sex trafficking or prostitution (former F.S. 796.035).
- Lewd/lascivious offense committed upon or in the presence of persons less than 16 years of age (F.S. 800.04).
- Video Voyeurism of a minor (F.S. 810.145(8))
- Lewd/lascivious offense committed upon or in the presence of an elderly person or disabled adult (F.S. 825.1025).
- Sexual performance by a child (F.S. 827.071).
- Protection of minors; prohibition of certain acts in connection with obscenity (F.S. 847.0133).
- Cmputoer pornography (F.S. 847.0135), excluding subsection 6.
- Transmission of child pornography by electronic device/equipment (F.S. 847.0137).
- Transmission of material harmful to minors to a minor by electronic device/equipment (F.S. 847.0138).
- Selling or buying of minors (for portrayal in a visual depiction engaging in sexually explicit conduct) (F.S. 847.0145).
- Offenses concerning racketeering and illegal debts (F.S. 895.03), where the court makes a written finding that the racketeering activity involved at least one sexual offense in this list.
- Sexual misconduct prohibited (F.S. 916.1075(2)).
- Sexual misconduct prohibited (F.S. 985.701(1)).
- A violation of a similar law of another jurisdiction (i.e. federal, military, other state or country); AND
- He or she has been released from or is currently serving parole, probation, or incarceration for a qualifying sex offense (listed above) on or after October 1, 1997;-OR
- He or she was adjudicated delinquent on or after July 1, 2007, for one of the following offenses and was 14 years of age or older at the time of the offense:
- Sexual battery (F.S. 794.011 excluding subsection 10).
- Lewd/lascivious battery where the victim is under 12 or the court finds sexual activity by the use of force or coercion (F.S. 800.04(4)(a)2).
- Lewd/lascivious molestation, victim under 12, where the court finds molestation involving unclothed genitals (F.S. 800.04(5)(c)1).
- Lewd/lascivious molestation, victim under 16 but more than 12, where the court finds the use of force or coercion and unclothed genitals (F.S. 800.04(5)(d)).
- A violation of a similar law of another jurisdiction (i.e. federal, military, other state). Top
- A sexual offender is an individual who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- What is a sexual predator?
- A sexual predator is an individual who has been convicted of a sexually violent offense as defined in Florida Statute 775.21 (which may include offenses from another jurisdiction) AND has a written court order designating the individual a sexual predator; OR
- An individual who is civilly committed under the Florida Jimmy Ryce Sexually Violent Predator Act AND has a written court order designating the individual as a sexual predator. Top
- Registrants are required to report to their local sheriff's office (for a list of locations click here) and provide information including but not limited to:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Social security number
- Race
- Sex
- Height and weight
- Hair and eye color
- Tattoos or other identifying marks
- Fingerprints
- Palm prints
- Photograph
- Occupation and place of employment
- Residential address(es) including transient (i.e. homeless)
- Vehicle information
- All home telephone numbers and cellular telephone numbers
- All electronic mail addresses and internet identifiers
- Conviction information
- Passport information
- Immigration status/documentation
- Professional license information
Note: This information is a public record unless exempt or confidential pursuant to Chapter 119, F.S. - Sexual offenders must complete a registration form at their county sheriff's office either twice a year (birth month and every 6th month thereafter) or four times a year (birth month and every 3rd month thereafter) depending upon their offense. For a list of qualifying offenses for quarterly registration (four times a year) please refer to Florida Statute 943.0435(14)(b).
- All sexual predators, some sexual offenders, and all juvenile sexual offenders must report four times a year (birth month and every 3rd month thereafter).
- Sexual offenders/predators MUST maintain registration for the duration of their life.
- All qualifying sexual offenders, sexual predators, and juvenile sexual offenders will be listed on the public registry website.
- The public registry website is updated on a "real-time," continuous basis as new information is received from FDLE's criminal justice partner agencies. Top
- Do juvenile sex offenders/predators have to register?
- A juvenile sexual offender is required to register in Florida if he or she:
- Has been convicted as an adult for a qualifying sexual offense and meets the criteria in Florida Statute 943.0435 or 775.21 to register as an adult sexual offender or predator; OR
- Was adjudicated delinquent on or after July 1, 2007 for a qualifying sexual offense in this state or a similar offense in another jurisdiction when he or she was 14 years of age or older at the time of the offense (F.S. 943.0435(1)(a)1.d). Top
- Do out-of-state sex offenders have to register in Florida, even if they are ONLY visiting, attending school, or working in Florida?
- Yes, if an offender or predator is visiting Florida from another state, he or she must report in person to the sheriff's office within 48 hours of establishing a temporary residence in Florida. He or she is required to report within 48 hours from the time of his or her registration with the sheriff's office to report in person to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) with a copy of the completed sexual offender/predator registration form to obtain a valid Florida identification card or driver's license. Failure to comply with these registration requirements as provided by Florida Statute is a felony of the 3rd degree.
- Yes, federal and state laws require sexual offenders/predators to register in all jurisdictions in which they live, work, or go to school.Sexual offenders/predators who are required to register with a temporary address in Florida are subject to all Florida registration laws while the offender/predator is residing within the state, including being listed on the Florida Sexual Offender/Predator Public Registry website.NOTE: A Sexual offender/predator's information is not removed from the registry's public, website when the sexual offender/predator leaves the state of Florida.NOTE: Removal from another state's registration requirement does not guarantee removal from the requirement to register in Florida. Top
- What information is a sexual offender/predator required to report if he or she is planning to travel or move outside of Florida or the United States?
- A sexual offender/predator planning to travel to other states within the U.S. must report in person to the sheriff of the county where he or she currently resides in Florida within 48 hours before the date he or she intends to leave Florida; OR
- If the intended destination is outside of the U.S., he or she must report in person to the sheriff of the county where he or she currently resides in Florida at least 21 days before the date he or she intends to travel; AND
- Must provide to the sheriff the address, municipality, county, state, and country of the intended residence, and for international travel, a sexual offender/predator must also provide travel information, including expected departure and return dates, flight number, airport of departure, cruise port of departure, or any other means of intended travel.
- Any travel that is not known (unexpected) by the sexual offender/predator within 48 hours (within the U.S.) or 21 days before departure (international travel), MUST be reported to the sheriff's office as soon as possible before departure. Top
- What is the Florida "Romeo & Juliet" Law?
- Florida Statute 943.04354, "Removal of the requirement to register as a sexual offender or sexual predator under certain circumstances" is commonly referred to as the "Romeo & Juliet" law. This law allows certain offenders who specifically meet the criteria of the statute to petition the court for relief from the requirement to register as a sexual offender/predator. Several criteria are specified including: the victim in the case was at least 13 and not more than 17 years of age, is no more than four years younger than the offender, and the sexual activity was consensual. The qualifying offense must be the only sex crime on the offender's record requiring registration. Please see the complete statutory text (F.S. 943.04354) for further details. Top
- FDLE is authorized to post registered sexual offenders/predators via the public website. The FDLE website lists sexual offender/predator flyers which include a photo, designation, status, a physical description of the offender/predator, crime information, and a registered address.
- Searches may be conducted by area (city, county, and/or zip code), name,university/campus, or E-mail/Internet Identifier. To conduct a search, click on the red Offender Search button at the top of the site.
- Citizens may also sign up for email notification using the Florida Offender Alert System. The emails are sent when a sexual offender/predator moves within a certain distance from a specified location set by the citizen or when a particular sexual offender/predator moves anywhere throughout the state of Florida. Click on the yellow Offender Alert System button at the top of the site to sign up.
- A Florida criminal history for an individual may be obtained through the FDLE website ( for a fee. Click on the Request a Criminal History button approximately halfway down the page.
- To obtain details regarding a specific crime that occurred in Florida, contact the Office of the Clerk of Courts in the county in which the subject was convicted. The county of conviction is listed on the offender/predator registry flyer. Clicking on the county link provided will open a new window with all Florida Clerk of Court websites.
- To obtain details regarding an arrest in Florida, contact the local arresting law enforcement agency. Top
- If you have reason to believe that a sexual crime has occurred or you have been a victim of sexual abuse, please immediately contact the local sheriff's office or police department where the crime occurred (
- If you believe there is any illegal material presented on a website such as child pornography or child solicitation, please contact your local sheriff's office or police department, as well as the Florida Computer Crime Center at
- If you have information that a registered sex offender is not living at his or her registered address, please contact the local law enforcement agency as soon as possible. Top
- Yes, please see the Jimmy Ryce Civil Commitment Act (F.S 394.910-394.932) for specific statutory language regarding civil commitment. Top
- Florida's sexual offender/predator registration laws do not prohibit offenders/predators from living in certain areas or from sharing a residence with another sexual offender/predator. However, there may be municipal and/or county ordinances that outline where sexual offenders/predators can live, who they can or cannot come in contact with, or what areas in a community they can or cannot be near or visit. Contact your law enforcement agency to obtain this information. For more information pertaining to residency restrictions please see Florida Statute 775.215.
- Florida's sexual offender/predator registration laws do not prohibit a sexual offender/predator from living with a child or minor based solely on the individual's requirement to register. However, if an offender/predator is currently under supervision with the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice he or she may have specific guidelines/restrictions set by a judge. This information can be obtained by contacting Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice directly. Top
- There are restrictions for offenders convicted of certain crimes. Please refer to Florida Statutes 856.022 and 775.21(10)(b) for more information. Top
- There is no provision in Florida law allowing sexual predators to petition the court for removal of the sexual predator designation.
- A registered sexual offender meeting Florida statutory criteria is required to register for life, unless he or she has received a full pardon or received post-conviction relief for his or her qualifying offense. However:
- Certain individuals required to register as sexual offenders that have been lawfully released from sanctions, confinement, or supervision for at least 25 years and have not been arrested for any felony or misdemeanor offense since release may petition the court for the purpose of removing the requirement for registration as a sexual offender; provided the offense was not based on an adult conviction or violation of:
- kidnapping (F.S. 787.01);
- false imprisonment (F.S. 787.02);
- sexual battery (F.S. 794.011, excluding subsection 10);
- lewd/lascivious battery where the victim is under 12 or the court finds sexual activity by the use of force or coercion (F.S. 800.04 (4)(a)2);
- lewd/lascivious molestation where the victim is under 12 (F.S. 800.04(5)(b));
- lewd/lascivious molestation where the court finds the offense involved the use of force or coercion and unclothed genitals or genital area (F.S. 800.04(5)(c)2);
- lewd/lascivious battery on an elderly or disabled person (F.S. 825.1025(2)(a));
- any attempt or conspiracy to commit any such offense;
- any violation of similar law of another jurisdiction; or
- any violation of a similar Florida offense which has been redesignated to one of those listed above.If the sexual offender meets the criteria above, the sexual offender may, for the purpose of removing the requirement for registration as a sexual offender, petition the criminal division of the circuit court of the circuit:1. Where the conviction or adjudication occurred, for a conviction in Florida;2. Where the sexual offender resides, for a conviction of a violation of similar law of another jurisdiction; or3. Where the sexual offender last resided, for a sexual offender with a conviction of a violation of similar law of another jurisdiction who no longer resides in Florida.
The court may grant or deny such relief. Top - Are there consequences if a sexual offender/predator fails to comply with registration requirements?
- Failure of a sexual offender/predator to register as required by law is a felony.
Note: If you have reason to believe a person has violated registration requirements please contact local law enforcement. Top -
- There is no Florida law that prohibits an offender from having a computer, using the Internet, having an email account, or obtaining an account on a social networking site based solely on his or her designation as a sexual offender or predator. However, if an offender/predator is currently under supervision with the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice, he or she may have specific guidelines/restrictions (which may include using a computer, accessing the Internet, or setting up an account with particular websites) set forth by a judge. This information can be obtained by contacting Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice directly.
- If you believe there is any illegal material presented on a website such as child pornography or child solicitation, please contact your local sheriff's office or police department, as well as the Florida Computer Crime Center at Top
- The Cyber Communications System (CCS) is an online system that a sexual offender/predator who is not on supervision with the Florida Department of Corrections (DOC) or the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) may use to report changes in email addresses, Internet identifiers, phone numbers, employment, and status of enrollment, volunteering, or employment at institutions of higher education in Florida.
- Sexual offenders/predators who are on supervision with DOC or DJJ must report any changes in the above information IN PERSON to his or her probation officer. Top
- Sexual offenders/predators reported deceased remain on the website for one year after the date of death as provided on the death certificate. This allows victims, the community, and local law enforcement time to be notified.