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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

'Stunning, Historic Mistake': Netanyahu Denounces Iran Nuke Deal

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Today's Top Stories

July 14, 2015

Netanyahu Denounces Iran Nuclear Deal as 'Stunning, Historic Mistake'

Obama: I Will Veto Any Legislation That Blocks Iran Nuke Deal

A Traffic Stop Saved This Choking Woman's Life

'We Leave Our Own Behind': 4 Americans Held Captive in Iran Not Part of Nuclear Deal

Graham: Iran Nuclear Deal 'Could Be a Death Sentence for the State of Israel'

'A Staggeringly Bad Deal': 2016 GOP Field Reacts to Obama's Nuclear Deal With Iran

Bakery Won't Press Charges Against Ariana Grande for Donut Incident

O'Reilly: I'll Try to Get Steinle Family a Meeting With Obama

St. Louis Cop Shot in His Car; Manhunt Underway for Suspects

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Watters' World Asks What It Means to Be a New Age Thinker

'The Law Is the Law': Megyn Kelly Talks Sanctuary Policy With Jose Antonio Vargas

Sheriff Clarke Warns of 'Disorder' in US Cities: Cops Being Told to 'Stand Down'

Scott Walker: Americans Are 'Hungry for Leadership'

Walker to Hannity: 'I Would Terminate Bad Iran Deal on Day One'

What's On


Rudy Giuliani reacts to the Iran nuclear deal on Your World.


Is the Obama administration giving up too much to Iran just to gain another victory? Greta breaks it all down.


Don't miss the thunderous reaction to Bill's exclusive interview with the parents of Kate Steinle on a must-see Factor.


Don't miss a Hannity exclusive as Dick Cheney weighs in on President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.

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