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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Read Jim Carrey's Twitter Rant on Vaccines; Siri Gets Sassy over Math Problem

Fox News Scoop

Today's Top Stories

July 01, 2015

Jim Carrey Slams 'Corporate Fascist' Gov. Brown for Approving Vaccine Law

Siri Sasses iPhone Users with Snarky Answer to '0 Divided by 0' Question

Carter: Obama's Foreign Policy Accomplishments 'Have Been Minimal'

NY Times Runs Image of Pope Made of Condoms, But Not Muhammad Cartoons

Cops' Warning: This Gun-Shaped iPhone Case Could Get Someone Killed

This Tourist Climbed the Brooklyn Bridge for a Sky-High Selfie

Watch a Soldier & 3 Cops Team Up to Surprise a Military Mom

22 Million Have Watched This Fabulously Sassy Mother-Daughter Dance

NYC Activists to Set Fire to Old Glory, 'a Symbol of Oppression & Genocide'

WATCH: Anna & Olympic Star Get an Adrenaline Rush on 'Road Trip'

Trump to O'Reilly: NBC Is 'Absolutely' Biased Against Conservatives

Geraldo, Coulter Clash Over Trump's Immigration Remarks

Christie on Bridgegate: Liberal Media 'Can't Live With the Fact That I'm Innocent'

Krauthammer: 'Christie's Moment Was Four Years Ago'

RPT: Baltimore Cops Were Told Not to Engage During April Riots

Arizona Woman Disappears While on Catholic Pilgrimage in Spain

O'Reilly: Conservatives 'Will Continue to Lose Power' Unless They Unite

Gutfeld: Bristol Palin 'Chose Humiliation Over Convenience'

Number of People Being Smuggled Across U.S. Border Increasing

What's On


Greta has a must-see interview tonight, as Donald Trump goes On the Record.


Will American church-based organizations lose tax-exempt status over gay marriage? Don't miss tonight's Factor investigation on this issue. 

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