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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Obama Comments on Bill Cosby Rape Allegations, Answers Critics of Iran Deal

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Today's Top Stories

July 15, 2015

WATCH: Pres Obama Comments on Bill Cosby Rape Allegations

Here's How Pres Obama Is Answering the Critics of the Iran Deal

WATCH: San Fran Officials Lash Out at Fox News over Sanctuary City Questions

WATCH: Weatherman Turns Swift Lyrics into Brilliant Rainy Day Forecast

Woman Held at Knifepoint in ISIS-Style Attack at Rome's Colosseum

Is Trump a Liberal Mole? The Donald Reacts to GOP Lawmaker's Claim

O'Reilly: Majority of Americans Are 'Frightened' by Trump

WATCH: Blue Angels' Epic Fly-By Launches Umbrellas & Tents into the Air

DRAMATIC VIDEO: Fire Crew, Bystanders Revive Drowning Dog

Meet the Dog Who Was Allergic to Humans & the 2 Women Who Saved Him

Homeowners Association Sours Boy's Lemonade Stand Business Venture

WATCH: Plane Narrowly Misses Cars During Highway Landing

O'Reilly: 'Damn Shame' That Tougher Immigration Laws Not Supported by All Americans

Cruz: 'The Democratic Party Supports Illegal Immigration'

Gutfeld: De Blasio, Liberal Policies Turning NYC into an Outhouse

Giuliani: 'We've Made a Deal With a Homicidal Maniac'

Cheney on Iran Deal: Closest We've Been to Nuclear War Since WWII

Krauthammer on Iran Nuclear Deal: 'This Is Quite Insane'

Ridge: 'Obama Needs to Put His Commander-in-Chief Hat on' to Fight ISIS

Steyn: Obama 'Sees America as the Problem on the World Stage'

What's On


Jeb Bush on Special Report! Bush says Republicans have the winning ideology, but will it be enough to lead his party back to the White House? Bret Baier has the must-see interview tonight.


Will the Republican presidential nominee support tough action against criminal aliens? Don't miss a must-see Factor investigation tonight.


Ted Cruz sounds off! The GOP hopeful breaks down his battle with the New York Times and fallout from the Iran nuclear deal on The Kelly File tonight.


Donald Trump reacts to the Iran nuclear deal and what it could mean for global security. Don't miss Hannity's exclusive interview tonight. 

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