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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top Msnbc Headlines

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Cheney: I don't think Iraq war hurt U.S. reputation
    In an exclusive live interview on TODAY Tuesday, former Vice President Dick Cheney disputed the notion that the invasion of Iraq has weakened America’s standing in the global community.

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Does Obama go big or small?
    First Read: As the president prepares a jobs plan, he must decide between drawing contrasts or crafting something that can pass.

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Spring buying boosts home prices again

    Spring buying pushed U.S. city home prices up for a third straight month in June.Spring buying pushed home prices up for a third straight month in most major U.S. cities in June. But the housing market remains shaky, and further price declines are expected.

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Millions of Irene victims still lack electricity
    The full measure of Hurricane Irene's fury came into focus Tuesday as towns in New England battled epic floods and millions were still without electricity.

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Video: Hundreds stranded in Vt. amid ‘epic’ flooding

    Aug. 30: Landlocked Vermont took a surprisingly hard hit from Hurricane Irene, and now hundreds of people are stranded across the state, cut off by the worst flooding the Green Mountain State has seen since 1927. The Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore reports from Brattleboro, Vt. (Today Show)Landlocked Vermont took a surprisingly hard hit from Hurricane Irene, and now hundreds of people are stranded across the state, cut off by the worst flooding the Green Mountain State has seen since 1927. The Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore reports from Brattleboro, Vt. (TODAY)

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Loughner's lawyers fighting forced medication

    In June, prison doctors began giving  Jared Loughner, above, anti-psychotic medications against his will, in the belief that they were medically necessary to treat his symptoms of schizophrenia.A federal appeals court on Tuesday will consider how much authority prison officials have in forcibly medicating Tucson shooting suspect Jared Loughner.

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19 miners freed after 7 days trapped underground

    Rescuers carry a survivor out of a flooded pit at a coal mine near Qitaihe, China, on Tuesday.Nineteen coal miners were rescued Tuesday from their flooded pit in northeastern China after being trapped underground for a week.

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Are airline pilots forgetting how to fly?

    The cockpit of a Boeing 777F. As planes become ever more reliant on automation to navigate crowded skies, safety officials worry there will be more deadly accidents traced to pilots who have lost their hands-on instincts in the air.Are airline pilots forgetting how to fly? As planes become ever more reliant on automation to navigate crowded skies, safety officials worry there will be more deadly accidents traced to pilots who have lost their hands-on instincts in the air.

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Report: Gadhafi troops protected tanks with children
    Both sides in Libya's civil war are being accused of abuses, with forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi blamed for possible war crimes and rebels said to be targeting black people.

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Ouch! Gardener survives after impaling eye socket

    In this image provided by the University Medical Center in Tucson, a CT scan shows a pair of pruning shears embedded in the head of 86-year-old Leroy Luetscher. He is expected to make a full recovery. An 86-year-old Arizona man is expected to make a full recovery after being impaled through his eye socket with pruning shears.

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Wealthy Europeans back Buffett's call for higher taxes
    Wealthy people across Europe are following in Warren Buffett's footsteps by calling for higher taxes on the rich.

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Oklahoma tops list of highest divorce rates
    There’s no question that in past 50 years the divorce rate in the U.S. has increased. But what really affects divorce rates?

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Man allegedly threw son off cruise boat

    Booking photo of Sloan Briles, 35, who was arrested Sunday for  allegedly throwing his 7-year-old son overboard a Southern California sightseeing cruise during an argument. A California man was arrested for investigation of throwing his crying 7-year-old son into the water from a sightseeing cruise boat during an argument that shocked other passengers, authorities said Monday.

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Japan's new leader Noda sparks wariness in China

    Yoshihiko Noda, new leader of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, stands after Japan's lower house elected Noda as the country's new prime minister, at the parliament in Tokyo on Tuesday.Yoshihiko Noda was elected Tuesday as Japan's sixth prime minister in five years, facing such a staggering array of domestic problems that the last thing he needs is a sour relationship with China, his country's biggest trading partner.

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