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Monday, August 22, 2011

This is The Place For Political News

msnbc.com: Politics


Paul Ryan not running for president
    The Wisconsin congressman released a statement to quiet the speculation that he would seek the Republican nomination.
GOP response to Libya a little less muted
    First Read: While the messages differ from the GOP presidential field, the candidates have all kept their comments brief.
Perry says no to 'Obamacare,' but what's his plan?

    U.S. Republican presidential candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry attends a campaign stop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, August 15, 2011.With the highest percentage of uninsured residents, Texas would be one of the biggest beneficiaries of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, but Gov. Rick Perry blocked moves to lay the groundwork for expanded coverage.

NJ: Romney playing hands-off on Perry

    Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has decided that silence is the best strategy when it comes to Gov. Rick Perry's presidential candidacy.Since Texas Gov. Rick Perry entered the Republican presidential race, he’s given plenty of ammunition to his political opponents, but Mitt Romney â€" who has the most to lose from Perry’s candidacy â€" has kept silent.

Huntsman tries to get on the N.H. radar
    First Read: Jon Huntsman has repeatedly said that "putting down shoe leather in New Hampshire" is his priority, but he's been focused on grabbing national press attention.
First Read: What Libya means for Obama
    Events in Tripoli give the president some welcome good news but economic concerns still dominate the campaign.

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