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Monday, August 29, 2011

This is The Place For Political News

msnbc.com: Politics


Perry outlines foreign policy platform
    First Read: The Texas governor advocated "taking the fight to the enemy" at the convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Perry tops another national poll
    First Read: The Texas governor now leads Mitt Romney by 14 percent according to a new CNN/Opinion Research poll.
Bachmann: Irene is God's message for Washington
    Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann's campaign said Monday she was only joking when she described Hurricane Irene and last week's earthquake in the eastern United States as a warning from God.
First Read: The Katrina effect
    President Obama and state leaders have learned the lessons about handling disasters, but will the rest of Washington?
Labor economist rounds out Obama's new team

    President Barack Obama on Monday nominated Princeton University’s Alan Krueger to be chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. President Barack Obama tapped labor economist Alan Krueger for a top administration post Monday as the White House scrambles for solutions to repair an ailing U.S. economy

Cheney: My book will have ‘heads exploding’ in D.C.
    When former Vice President Dick Cheney releases his memoir this week, it may cause the second earthquake in Washington, D.C., this month.

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